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Enabling HTML Testing in Robot
Making HTML Applications Testable
These steps are described in the following sections.
Verifying that the HTML Extension Is Loaded
To test HTML applications, you must first make sure that the HTML extension is
loaded in Robot. To do this:
1. Start Robot.
2. Click Tools > Extension Manager.
3. Verify that HTML-MSIE or HTML-Navigator is selected. If not, select it.
4. To improve the performance of Robot, clear the check boxes of all environments
that you do not plan to test.
5. Exit Robot.
The next time you start Robot, only the extensions for the selected environments are
Enabling HTML Testing in Robot
After loading the HTML extension, you must enable HTML testing so that Robot
can recognize HTML elements. You can do this either by starting Internet Explorer
or Netscape Navigator through the Robot Start Browser command or by loading
the Rational ActiveX Test control.
To enable HTML testing using the Start Browser command:
1. Start recording in Robot. To record, click the Record GUI Script button on the
Robot toolbar. For details, see Recording a New GUI Script on page 2-15.
2. Type a script name or select a name from the list.
3. Click OK to display the GUI Record toolbar.
4. Click the Display GUI Insert Toolbar button on the GUI Record toolbar.
5. Click the Start Browser button on the GUI Insert toolbar.
6. Type the URL of the HTML application that you plan to test, or click Browse
and select a local file.
7. Type the name of a tag to uniquely identify this instance of the browser. By using
tags, you can test multiple instances of the browser.
8. Click OK.
Robot starts the selected browser and navigates to the specified URL.