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<< Introduction to Java Tutorials | Becoming familiar with AWT applications >>

Java AWT Tutorial

<< Introduction to Java Tutorials | Becoming familiar with AWT applications >>
Working with Java Applications
Java AWT Tutorial
This hands-on tutorial is designed to help you get comfortable testing a sample standalone Java
application developed with AWT controls, using Java support in SilkTest.
In this tutorial, you will:
1 Set up for testing the application
2 Become familiar with the sample Java AWT application
3 Focus on a part of the application to test
4 Identify custom controls and learn when to record classes
5 Record classes for custom Java controls
6 Record window declarations for all controls you want to test
7 Prepare the test script file
8 Record a test against the Java application
9 Run the recorded test
10 Extend the test programmatically
11 Run the extended test

Before you begin this tutorial, complete the SilkTest tutorial to learn the basics of recording testcases,
running testcases, and using the recovery system. If you installed the documentation when you
installed SilkTest, you can access the tutorial by clicking Start/Programs/Borland/SilkTest
2006/Documentation/SilkTest Tutorials
or Help/Tutorials.
Start at Step 1 Becoming familiar with the AWT application.