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<< Setting a Precondition Within a Suite | Inserting a Test Case into a Suite >>

Relating Preconditions Set in Suites to Those in Test Cases

Chapter 10 - Designing Performance Testing Suites
Preconditions apply only to the specific instance of the test script, test case, or suite.
For example, if you insert a test script multiple times and you want to set a
precondition on all instances of the test script, you must set the precondition for each
test script.
How to Set a Precondition
To set a precondition:
Right-click the test script, suite, or test case to which to set the precondition, and
Run Properties
Relating Preconditions Set in Suites to Those in Test Cases
The preconditions that you set when designing and implementing test cases
(discussed in chapters 3 and 4) are not related to the preconditions that you set within
a suite.
A precondition set on a test case is a setup dependency to ensure that a test case can
run properly. You can enter text in the field. Although TestManager does not use this
text, you can refer to it later. If a precondition fails, the test case may still meet the
acceptance criteria, but the constraints necessary for the test case to run are not met.
A precondition set within a suite must complete successfully for subsequent items at
the same level in the suite to run. TestManager uses this field. If a precondition fails,
TestManager does not run remaining suite items at the same level in the suite.
However, you can relate the two types of preconditions, so the suite precondition
enforces the test case precondition. The following steps show how to do this:
Set a precondition on a test case.
Within a suite, insert a test script that checks that the test case precondition is met.
Within a suite, set a precondition on the test script itself.
Inserting Other Items into a Suite
A suite requires only user groups and test scripts to run. However, a suite that
realistically models the work that actual users perform is likely to be more complex
and varied than this simple model. A realistic suite might also contain test cases,
subordinate suites, scenarios, selectors, delays, synchronization points, and
transactors to represent a variety of virtual tester actions.