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The Data Entry user group

Inserting Other Items into a Suite
You can balance the workload either for time or for frequency. For example,
assume you are dynamically balancing ScriptA and ScriptB, and using equal
weights. ScriptA, however, takes twice as long to run as ScriptB.
If you balance the load dynamically for time, the load is balanced by the runtime of
each test script. Because ScriptA takes twice as long to run, it is actually selected
only half as often as ScriptB.
If you balance the load dynamically for frequency, both test scripts run an equal
number of times. If ScriptA runs 500 times, ScriptB also runs 500 times. The fact
that ScriptA takes longer to run is not factored into the balance.
Dynamic load balancing is done across all virtual testers in a user group. For
example, the following figure shows the Data Entry user group with 15 virtual
testers. Three test scripts, Add New Record, Modify Record, and Delete Record,
are contained in a dynamic load balancing selector.