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Scope of a Synchronization Point

Chapter 10 - Designing Performance Testing Suites
Run the suite a number of times, each time applying a different number of virtual
testers to the VU2 test script. However, you need only one virtual tester running
the VU1 test script in each test.
Theoretically, as the number of synchronized VU2 virtual testers increases, the
time reported by the VU1 timer should also increase.
In this example, the
synchronization point ensures that:
All VU2 virtual testers submit their forms at the same time--thereby providing
maximum concurrent virtual tester load.
The VU1 virtual tester submits its query at the same time that the VU2 virtual
testers are loading the server--thereby providing maximum load at a critical time.
Release Times and Time-Outs for Synchronization Points in Test Scripts
You cannot define minimum and maximum release times or time-out periods for
synchronization points inserted into test scripts as you can for synchronization points
inserted into suites. By default:
Virtual testers held at a script-based synchronization point are released
There is no time limit to how long virtual testers can be held at the synchronization
However, if a synchronization point in a suite has a release time range and time-out
period defined for it, the release times and time-out period apply to all
synchronization points of that same name--even if a synchronization point is in a test
Scope of a Synchronization Point
The scope of a synchronization point includes all test scripts that reference a
particular synchronization point name plus all user groups that reference that name.
For example, suppose you have the following user groups in a suite:
A Data Entry user group of 75 virtual testers. This user group runs a test script
containing the synchronization point Before Query.
An Engineering user group of 10 virtual testers. This user group runs a different
test script than the Data Entry groups runs. But this test script also contains a
synchronization point named Before Query.