SQAFYI - Software QA Resource - FYI


To see other opportunities, please visit http://sqa.fyicenter.com
Date: 29-Nov-2012

SOFTWARE TESTER * Review and interpret business requirement documents * Apply product functionality to create robust testing models * Create and/or utilize isolated test plans and test cases * Create and/or utilize dependent test plans and test cases * Create and perform Performance and Load/Stress testing scenarios * Create and manipulate database structures * Use a structured software issue reporting tool * Articulate testing issues with concise descriptive explanations * Enable others to reproduce a condition based on test scripts * Review overall quality assurance process for internal and external purposes * Communicate project status with internal department managers

Maintain the quality assurance program * Confirm by way of repeatable steps/tests cases identified as recorded "Bugs" * Confirm by way of research and/or follow-up for cases recorded as "Inquiries" * Confirm by way of client/internal follow-up for cases recorded as "Feature" requests * Assist development staff in capturing full case requirements (Bugs, Inquiries, and/or Features) * Review current/open cases for similarities (priority, project, type etc.) * Recommend cases for potential grouping assignments for future development cycles * Itemize and record the steps/pages/products relating to development changes * Identify case test(s) as "PASSED", "FAILED", "Not Tested" (if "Not Tested" note reason) * Assign cases to appropriate staff (development/technical support) for review * Notify development of cases ready for release (publish to production) * Notify development of cases not ready for release * Notify Development Manager of cases in danger of not making a scheduled release * Package cases ready for release and notify Development Manager of any cases not ready * Confirm released cases do not fail (if fail, notify development) on production * Close released cases * Publish to Announcements (not yet implemented) * Notify department managers of product updates/changes/enhancements * Distinguish the items (Bugs, Inquiries, and/or Features) resolved by a release * Ensure "Closed" items in a release version are properly recorded (Internal/External) * Properly identify rejected items (items not verified as fixed by QA) * Properly identify accepted items (acceptable to leave open – identifiable format) * Assign remaining items a formal QA verification

To apply for this position, please visit this Website.

Thank you,
Team SQAFYI - Software QA Resource FYI