Interview Questions

How to test a module(web based developed in .NET) which would load data from the list(which is text file) into the database(SQL Server)

Software QA/Testing Technical FAQs

(Continued from previous question...)

How to test a module(web based developed in .NET) which would load data from the list(which is text file) into the database(SQL Server)

How to test a module(web based developed in .NET) which would load data from the list(which is text file) into the database(SQL Server). It would touch approx 10 different tables depending on data in the list.
The job is to verify that data which is suppose to get loaded gets loaded correctly. List might contain 60 millions of record. anyone suggest? * Compare the record counts before and after the load and match with the expected data load * Sample records shoudl be taken to ensure teh data integrity
* Include Test cases where the loaded data is visible functionally through the application. For eg: If the data loads new users to the system, tahn the login fucntionlaity using the new user login creadentials shoudl work etc...
Finally tools available in the market, you can be innovativce in using the Functional Automation tools like Winrunner and adding DB Checkpoints, you can write SQL's to do the Backend testing. It is upon the Test scenario (Test Case) details that you wooudl have to narrow upon the tools/techniques.

(Continued on next question...)

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