Interview Questions

What testing tools should we use?

Software QA/Testing Technical FAQs

(Continued from previous question...)

What testing tools should we use?

Ideally, you should use both static and dynamic testing tools. To maximize software reliability, you should use both static and dynamic techniques, supported by appropriate static and dynamic testing tools.
Reason number 1: Static and dynamic testing are complementary. Static and dynamic testing find different classes of bugs. Some bugs are detectable only by static testing, some only by dynamic.
Reason number 2: Dynamic testing does detect some errors that static testing misses. To eliminate as many errors as possible, both static and dynamic testing should be used.
Reason number 3: All this static testing (i.e. testing for syntax errors, testing for code that is hard to maintain, testing for code that is hard to test, testing for code that does not conform to coding standards, and testing for ANSI violations) takes place before compilation.
Reason number 4: Static testing takes roughly as long as compilation and checks every statement you have written.

(Continued on next question...)

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