Archive JMeter Test Result Data


How to archive JMeter Test Result Data? I have converted all JMeter test result records to TestMan now.



After you have converted data from the jmeter_test_result table to TestMan database, you need move converted data to an archive table as shown in this tutorial.

1. If this the first time, create an archive table, jmeter_test_result_backup, with a "select *" clause:

create table jmeter_test_result_backup as 
   select * from jmeter_test_result;

2. If the archive table, jmeter_test_result_backup, already exists, insert data with a "select *" clause:

insert into jmeter_test_result_backup 
   select * from jmeter_test_result;

3. Then truncate the jmeter_test_result table for the next load:

truncate table jmeter_test_result;

You can also #2 and #3 into a SQL script file and run it:

-- ArchiveJMeterData.sql

use TestMan; 

insert into jmeter_test_result_backup 
   select * from jmeter_test_result;

truncate table jmeter_test_result;


Truncate Test Case and Test Run Tables

Update TestMan Test Run Tables

Implementing TestMan in MySQL

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